Travel To Bocas del Toro by Road

Travel To Bocas del Toro by Air

By Car:
Interamerican Highway up to entrance to Gualaca (10 Km/404 Km).
Turn up the road to Chiriqui Grande (98 Km) and then, at Punta Peña, the road to Almirante (68 km), where you can live the car in a parking. Roads are paved, in good condition. Beautiful views in the mountains.

By Bus:
Take the bus to Almirante in the Panama City terminal. The Union de Buses offers two buses a day from Panama to Almirante. This trip will take about 10 hours. Bear in mind that the last boat leaves for Bocas del Toro at 6.30 pm.

By car or by bus once you get to Almirante:
In Almirante take a marine taxi ($3 - 30 minutes) or a ferry boat (1 hour) to Bocas (The ferry boat Almirante/Bocas del Toro only runs on 4 days a week, so the water taxi tends to be the better bet)

Bocas del Toro Travel Information