The diversity of COLON ISLAND

In Colon island, where Bocas del Toro town
is located, there are a great diversity of attractions to see.

The caribbean architecture is the first thing that the tourist notes and is part of our regional culture.

Inland, Colon island has forests, rivers, creeks and the remainings of fauna and flora once very aboundant.

The coast can be appreciated for the coral reefs, mangrove forests, beautiful rocky formations and many sea birds.

In the opposite extreme of Bocas del Toro town is located Boca del Drago, the closest point to the main land, with several small beaches and shady walkways.

Just in front, in the open sea, is Swans Cay, a bird sanctuary where birdwatchers come to see the beautiful and rare tropic bird.

In the way to Bocas del Drago, by car, in the middle of the island, is located a grout where hundreds of bats had made their home.
Closeby is Colonia Santena, a settlement of cattle ranchers from Los Santos province, and the Virgin Grout, of special significance for catholics.

Taking the right road (the left road is the one that leads to Boca del Drago), leaving from Bocas town, you can reach one of the most beatiful beaches of the Archipelago, Bluff Beach, famous because of its golden sand, where marine turtles come to nest. Its waves are also an attraction for surfers.

Talking about forests there are two zones of the island where it is possible to appreciate the flora and fauna of the island: Mimitimbi and Big Baight. There, it is usual to see sloths, monkeys, wild rabbits, snakes, iguanas and a great diversity of birds.

To make any one of this tours, by land or sea, contact any of our tour operators.


By car, your tour begins in Bocas del Toro town, with the choice of two alternatives. The first takes you along the coast facing the open sea, with alternative rock outcrops and small beaches on the right, and undulating hills with cow farms and forests on the other side, until you reach the fabulous and as yet undeveloped beach of Bluff, with its distinctive bright orange sand. This is a great place to spend your day, swimming, taking care on rough days, laying on your back watching white-faced monkeys, or surfing the waves.

Bluff Beach is also a marine turtles nesting beach, where conservation groups work during the nights, in season, to preserve nests and turtles from predators, activity open also to tourists.

Otherwise you can take the half hour trip to the old settlement of Bocas del Drago, situated on a sandy beach beyond which are patches of coral, of interest to the snorkeller. Five minutes from here, toward the open sea is the bird sanctuary Swan Key. In the way back to Bocas, make a point of stopping in the middle of the island to
see the Bats Cave with its beautiful grotto.