Bastimentos Island, Bocas del Toro

map of Bastimentos Island, Bocas del Toro

Bastimentos Bahia Honda Playa Larga Red Frog Beach Wizard Beach Salt Creek Hospital Point Solarte Zapatilla Cays Coral Cay Isla Popa

Each of the areas you may want to visit on Bastimentos is given its own web page, follow the links top get more information on that destination.

Bahia Honda Indian community

Bastimentos Town Main habitation on the island

Hospital Point Site of the hospital for the United Fruit Company in banana growing days

Marine Park A National Marine Park

Playa Larga Lovely beach. Site of turtle nesting in season

Red Frog Beach The easier of the big Bastimentos beaches to reach

Salt Creek Indian community

Solarte Indian community

Wizard Beach can be walked from Bastimentos town


Bocas del Toro Information